The woods are my natural habitat I guess. Practicing graphic design for over two decades you might think it's in front of the computer but no, it's outdoors. My eldest and I walked into the woods a few feet from our back yard and I began to show him the bounty of winter woods. One would think they are barren, but they are full of life to gather for celebration of the Savior's Birth this Christmas. Prickly American Holly Ilex opaca for sharp texture, cedar Juniperus virginiana, juvenile Virginia Pine Pinus virginiana, and clusters of privet berries Ligustrum vulgare for graphic interest. All of these plants were to be found in a few hundred square feet of natural Southern woodland.

We cut these plants to embellish red hybrid tea roses Rosa hybrida I'd ordered from our local floral supply to form a runner down our Christmas Day table of eight small arrangements made in highball glasses. Beauty is all around and so is free material for decorations if you just look around. Merry Christmas from Boots and Bow Ties!