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Locke & Key's Exclusive Pembrokeshire Society for Clients and Friends

At Locke and Associates, in partnership with your trusted local Realtor, David Locke, we've meticulously cultivated a robust database over the years. Our valued clients and friends are now an integral part of the exclusive Pembrokeshire Society. Wondering what makes this society unique? Well, let us unveil the essence of the Pembrokeshire Society and how it adds a special touch to your real estate journey.

The Origin Story:

The heart of Locke and Key is symbolized by our beloved Welch Pembroke corgi, Thatcher, proudly showcased in our logo. Consequently, the Pembrokeshire Society was born, drawing its name from this affectionate association. Much like the Pembrokeshire landscape, our society is diverse, vibrant, and filled with opportunities.

Logo for Locke and Key Realtors in Anderson South Carolina is drawn for David Locke, Realtor's Welsh Pembroke Corgi

What is the Pembrokeshire Society?

It's not just a name; it's a community. The Pembrokeshire Society is an exclusive group of friends and clients who are extended invitations to curated parties and events throughout the year. It's an assembly of individuals who enjoy the privilege of receiving a personalized lifestyle magazine from Locke and Key Associates several times annually. This magazine is not just a publication; it's a window into a world where real estate meets lifestyle.

Locke and Key Associates Realtors Anderson South Carolina Pembrokeshire Society Logo

Monthly Insights, Delivered to Your Inbox:

Our commitment to keeping you well-informed goes beyond the glossy pages of our magazine. Members of the Pembrokeshire Society of Locke and Key are privy to monthly newsletters delivered straight to their inbox. These newsletters aren't just about real estate updates; they're a treasure trove of tips and insights designed to help you make the most out of your real estate ventures. From market trends to advice on optimizing your property, we ensure you stay ahead in your real estate game.

American Lifestyle Magazine delivered by Locke & Key Associates Realtors Anderson, SC

Parties and Events:

Friends and clients of Locke and Key Associates are invited to variouse events during the year for fun and networking. These have included, garden parties, art shows, wine tastings, culinary events and our yearly Christmas event all held and Mr. & Mrs. Locke's home in Anderson, SC.

Joining the Pembrokeshire Society:

Whether you're an existing client, a friend of our business, or a potential client, the Pembrokeshire Society welcomes you. It's more than just a network; it's a community that shares a common bond – a passion for exceptional living. Connect with Locke and Key Associates and become part of something extraordinary.

Locke and Key's Pembrokeshire Society isn't just an exclusive club; it's a testament to the relationships we've built over the years. It's a celebration of the Locke and Key experience, where real estate and lifestyle converge. Join us, and let's unlock the doors to a richer, more fulfilling real estate and lifestyle journey together.

Email David Locke, Realtor today to have your name added to our list at


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