Not a lot of people think about bulbs when they think about high summer, but a Crinum Lily (Crinum asiaticum) has to be one of my new favorites! I was first introduced to these by a friend that gave me some white lilies and then again this year another friend gave me some pink lilies ‘Ellen Bosanquet’. They are super easy to grow and are magical in your garden. Want a bonus? They have a spicy scent like a fine French perfume!

These bulbs are about the size of a man’s fist and produce beautiful green straps of foliage followed by huge flower stalks. You’re probably familiar with a Christmas Amaryllis and since Crinums are in the Amarilladecea family, imagine having stalks of white or pink Amaryllis-like flowers all over your garden. Crinums simply need to be placed with their neck right above the ground level and they will grow great in the hot summers of the Southeastern United States. All they need is a lot of heat, a lot of sun, and a lot of water in well drained soil. Crinums are gonna be a little bit expensive when you buy them from a grower so find a friend and see if they would be willing to share with you this amazing gift.